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Elevate Your Practice With Care Ledger!

An AI powered digital wallet for clinics that allows health providers to manage their practice by keeping track of their revenue, treatment plans and supplies.

Our Healthcare Challenges in Numbers

Clinic owners and managers often lack real time financial insight into their businesses and require repetitive manual processes to manage and track their practice and inventory. Meanwhile patients experience limited on-demand payment options with long visiting hours.


Of Kenyans Lack Health insurance. Leading to limited health care coverage and high out of pocket payment.


Of Kenyans Lack Health insurance. Leading to limited health care coverage and high out of pocket payment.


Of Kenyans Lack Health insurance. Leading to limited health care coverage and high out of pocket payment.

10 - 20%

In annual revenue lost in billing errors and delays in collection and other finacial insuffuciencies.

10 - 20%

In annual revenue lost in billing errors and delays in collection and other finacial insuffuciencies.

10 - 20%

In annual revenue lost in billing errors and delays in collection and other finacial insuffuciencies.

About 50%

Of clinical time is spent on repetative tasks instead of patient care.

About 50%

Of clinical time is spent on repetative tasks instead of patient care.

About 50%

Of clinical time is spent on repetative tasks instead of patient care.


Of clinics lack intergrated health finacial systems.


Of clinics lack intergrated health finacial systems.


Of clinics lack intergrated health finacial systems.